The National Executive Cabinet through the National Treasury has invoked section 139 (7) of the Constitution of Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, read with section 150 (1) (a) & (b) of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003.

Notice, is hereby given in terms of section 141 of the MFMA 56 of 2003, and Section 21 A of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, of the implementation of the Financial Recovery Plan, for public and stakeholder comments and representation by 3 September 2022, and that:

  1. A copy of the Financial Recovery Plan will be available on the website of Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality website www.enochmgijima.org.za; and may be collected at the undersigned offices including satellite offices during normal office hours.
  2. The Financial Recovery Plan is a mandatory intervention aimed at rescuing the financial situation that the municipality is facing, with an intention of creating financial sustainability. The National Treasury, in collaboration with National COGTA, Provincial Treasury, Provincial COGTA and other stakeholders will support and monitor the intervention.
  3.  The municipality invites written comments and representations from the general public, interested stakeholders, major creditors of the municipalities, to reach the National Treasury Municipal Recovery Services, Ms Nombulelo Nzama, at Nombulelo.Nzama@treasury.gov.za by no later than 5 September 2022@15h00

Issued by National Cabinet Representative

Dr Monde Tom

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