The International Mandela Day commemoration has brought a much needed blessing for Ms Sisiwe Poni of Tarkastad. The 66 year old single mother and grandmother is having her house rebuilt, thanks to a kind heart of CBS, a construction company that will be building the house for free.
Ms Poni’s home was ravaged by a violent storm in January, leaving the family of 10 with a mammoth task of starting all over again. This was an impossible task considering the fact that she takes care of children and grand children.
The Executive Mayor Cllr Thembeka Bunu, Speaker Noluthando Nqabisa and Portfolio Head for Human Settlement Cllr Ongama Adonisi led a team that visited the home of Ms Poni (now a construction site) to introduce the contractor and start the demolition of the fallen structure. Bunu commended the regional Department of Human Settlements who worked tirelessly and approached the contractor for intervention. “We are delighted of the tenacious work of serving the people”, she said.
Out of their hearts, Department of Human Settlements’ employees bought groceries for the Poni family who are currently living in a nearby house provided by a neighborly member of the community.
Construction value of the is estimated at R180 000 and a call has been made to community members to provide any form of assistance should the contractor need it.
The Municipality also conducted other Nelson Mandela Day events which included clearing of illegal dumping sites, handover of clothes and school uniforms to deserving children.